Channel: Fukushima – Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic
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Sun trine Uranus, Galactic uploads,Holy Blood


Higher consciousness uploads big time are happening December 8

Mercury, the Messenger is at 27 degree Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center.The Galactic Center is the YONIVERSE, the Cosmic Vagina. As Trevor Noah said on his show Dec 7th, Vagina’s are incredibly strong, babies are born through them, they are indestructible. If you sit on a penis it may break. see link below

Tune into your Quest for truth and inspiration.

The North Node, our highest spiritual Goal is squaring Mercury and the Galactic Center at 27+ degrees of Virgo.  We need to aim higher, seek new inspiration, truth, justice and cosmic consciousness. It’s available, go get it.

The Sun is on the Great Attractor.


Scorpio and Uranian energy are the big news Dec 8 

Moon in Scorpio is death, rebirth, transformation, the underbelly, the shiite, the refuse, garbage, carnage, cemetery,charnel ground, the ugly, hidden realms.

Scorpio Moon sextiles Pluto its modern ruler to bring some hidden secrets to light.

President Obama came on National TV Dec 6 to speak about Terrorism and what the U.S. was going to do to wipe it out. Fox News reporters called President Obama a “total pussy” because he didn’t call ISIL Radical Islamic Terrorists in the same word order.  

Moon is inconjunct to Uranus in mid-afternoon

Inconjuncts are like the inconvenient truth that no one wants to hear. It may be contradictory to what you hear or are being force fed in the media. This aspects makes for jittery nerves and unexpected wild, breakout energies.

Moon trines Chiron in Pisces

These are HEAVY times. We’re in between Mars square Pluto and Mars opposite Uranus on Dec 10. 

Mars and Pluto both rule Scorpio, and Terrorism is one name for all that energy. 

TRANSPLUTO also called ISIS caught my eye

Transpluto/Isis is a hypothetical Uranian Astrology symbol and a proposed planet beyond Pluto. Pluto  BTW was discovered by such hypothesizing. The misappropriated ISIS acronym used by the news media for ISIL or Daesh is a homonym for Transpluto. ISIS was the Egyptian Great Mother Goddess of Egypt. Her name should not be taken in Vain. I am an initiated Priestess of the Goddess Isis.

Transpluto is at 1+ degree of VIRGO

Astrologer Lynn Koiner has done the bulk of research and writing on Transpluto. 

Personality Keywords:The Perfectionist,Perfectionism, self-sufficiency, The Reformer Complex and Alienation.

“The House position of Transpluto shows where perfectionist demands were placed upon us as a child and where we place perfectionist demands upon ourselves as adults. According to Karen Horney, M.D., a perfectionist is one who fears criticism. If the person is perfect and always right, there will be no vulnerable areas for criticism to find a foothold1. Perfectionism and its resulting fear of failure and disapproval invariably lead to the next quality, self-sufficiency.

Self-sufficiency is a self-protecting mechanism whereby others can never get so close that they can criticize, try to change us or tell us what to do. If the individual experiences a personal failure, others are never close enough to discover the shortcoming and make recriminations. 

The Reformer Complex to me is a literal one. The Transpluto-ISIS literalism symbolizes that Terrorists are trying to reform/convert non-Muslims through terrorism.

There is a natural Virgo type idealism in the quest for perfection. This Idealism is seen through the eyes of the Virgo critic. This idealism can never be satisfied as the person is aware of the all too human flaws yet continues to seek perfection. The Transplutonian individual will desire to change, reform or reconstruct the world and people in their own methods and means, a totalitarian Sharia dictatorship based on “religion”  rather than as would be best for those concerned.

Transpluto is now conjunct to the Archangel Raphael, the healer of the heart chakra at zero degrees Virgo. ISIS/separation can be healed through love. 

VESTA is at the WORLD POINT of ZERO Degrees ARIES, Initiating Fire

The Vestal Virgins, a variation on those 72 beautiful Virgins, {which is an astrological reference BTW}, are promised to ISIL jihadists as a Heavenly reward for bombing and killing in Muhammad’s name, are in an inconjunct to Transpluto and Fixed Star REGULUS, aka Angel Raphael.

The Vestal Virgins were sacred tantric sexual priestesses. Virgin means focussed and whole unto Herself. Virgin meant the women could procreate without men. The V V’s were once honored as healers, as hierodules for the Goddess. All men who had shed blood in war were mandated to go to the Sacred Goddess temples and be cleansed of the profane shedding of blood by being made love to by these women especially when they were menstruating, as Menstrual blood was the most sacred substance imaginable. The Blood of Life was the only antidote to the Blood of Death. Seems very obvious to me why this was so.

The Patriarchy cruelty twisted power away from women, turned sacred Priestesses into Sacred Harlots, even though these Quadishtu, were the Holy of Holies originally. Their sacred dance,called the Hora, yes still identified as a Hebrew dance, is the root word for HOURS, something we refer to and keep time by every day. 

ISLAM has one of its main modern twisted tenets to be the absolute control of women and  her feared sexuality.

Vesta is the Goddess of focus and literally inVESTments are named after Her. Vesta is being reborn now. What VESTA symbolizes is the real NEW WORLD ORDER by women for women and the earth.

VESTA symbolizes women retaining, refocusing, reconstituting their power. Vesta inconjunct to Transpluto, means that woman have the ways and means to bring down the Patriarchal power structures of the world. Women control most of the money in every day spending in the world.

Women also need to stand up to being held hostage whether by an ISIL terrorist, your husband, boss, boyfriend, mother, or your own unconscious shadow qualities and say I INVEST only in my woman self as Goddess. I Invest only in sisters who support each other. I invest in healing holistic magical energies. I invest with the Archangel Raphael in heart energy. I use what is invested in me as a woman.

Women you have the power to source magical powers to change the world within you. There is too much blood shed in the world.The healing  medicine or energy to stop war and the healing of the earth  is in your sacred wombs. Your own sacred menstrual blood is the greatest healing tool known. It is DNA, it is alive and water based and intentions like those of Dr. Emoto can be focussed most powerfully through your menstrual blood.

Women used to offer their sacred menstrual blood to the earth every month. Menstrual blood is pure, carries DNA activation codes, and when offered back to the earth, weaves a living bond with the Earth Mother. It is the greatest natural organic fertilizer there is.


When you get your period save your menstrual blood and offer it to the earth on the New Moon this December 11th in Sagittarius with your prayers to heal the terribly wounded masculine energy within the world, yourself and most especially that of Muslim terrorists whose aim is so bent on murder, hatred and fear of women. Do this every New Moon 13 times a year.

Refuse to have sex with men in order to stop the wars.

BE VESTA IN ARIES A FEARLESS AMAZON WARRIORESS join with other women warrioresses. This is the New Archetype for WOMEN. Join with your sistars, be fierce, hold your sacred ground, Refuse to be victimized. Taylor Swift has twisted the archeytpe and trivilaizes it in her videos like Bad Blood even as it depicts women as warrioress. The mind gets the message “blood is bad. Women are bad.” 

Taylor \swift Bad Blood Tara Greene

I envision circles of women offering their  menstrual blood at sacred sites all over the world. Singing and praying and receiving strength. 

The War on Terror is just getting started and it will not be pretty. As Saturn will cross the U.S. Ascendant its persona or face, the U.S. will have to save face. 

SUN TRINES URANUS at 6:38 pm PST/ 9:38 pm EST 

The Sage Sun is working well with Creative chaotic genius/freedom/revolutionary activist Uranus.

Inspired chaos and humor, think Monty Python at its wackiest, what is your favorite Python bit? 

Brilliant ideas, inspirations and boldy mental leaps are plausible. 

Uranus is radiation and i have been hearing that FUKUSHIMA is steadily leaking, has not been contained, could have been avoided and is set to melt down three more reactors. Japan will be uninhabitable in five years. They are supposed to be hosting a 2020 olympics??? Who are they trying to fool? The gov officials are sworn to secrecy but someone has resigned to tell the truth. 


Moon sextiles Jupiter at the days end PST then goes Void of Course for most of the 9th. 

What do you think of this radical menstrual Holy war?  Fight Unholy bloodshed with sacred blood. Fight hatred with menstrual blood. Fertilize and heal the wounded earth with the Blood of Life. Please share widely with all women, If you feel drawn to this cause get in touch with me.

taragreene@sacredartscentre.com or taragreenetarot@gmail.com

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com




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