Full Moon’s a comin’ tonight. I had gloriously Technicolor lucid like dreams last night. Did you?
Manana -Its mainly swimming in the ocean of Bliss till Friday as the Moon will be in the big swim of Pisces.
Aug 21 XACT Jupiter in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries – Expect the Unexpected Big time, big teachings it’s WET AND WILD
Jupiter has joined the fray to pour more energy into those ongoing Major Squares of Pluto and Uranus.
Jupiter rules politics, Higher Law, in Cancer it is the politics of the belly.
Uranus in Aries is revolutionary violence- we see that climaxing in Egypt.
It’s hard to know which country is backing the current military revolt in Egypt.
Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, the fishes, Christ’s symbol. Pisces is oceanic consciousness, the cosmic womb.
The beginning and end of life.
Fukushima has sprung another dangerous leak, we all need to educate ourselves about this.
NO SUSHI for you with fish from the Pacific ocean, stock up on iodine tablets, eat miso.
Jupiter the philosophy teacher is activating those Grand WATER Trines again along with the moon
Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune ruler of the 12th sign, the hidden doorway into the Unconscious realms.
The Monthly conjunction begs us to sit and meditate by a lake, pool, into a bowl of water if needs be,
Meditate on endings, where you came from, what your Divine purpose is and what needs to be completed to move on.
Meditate on what BLISSES you, and ask for guidance from your Higher Self, listen.
Do some lucid dreaming incubation.
The Moon also Trines SATURN before noon, conjuncts Chiron and Trines Jupiter in the evening
An auspicious day.
It’s the last day of Leo, bye-bye Sun King.
SUN enters VIRGO on Thursday big energy shift – HARVEST time
The Ancient Ruling Star of Leo FIXED STAR REGULUS is at Zero degrees VIRGO now. So have a REGULUS celebration,
Regulus, not just in Harry Potter, is “the heart of the lion” ArchAngel Raphael, who heals hearts, now in Royalty down to earth mode, frugal, disciplined, of service, sign of the VIRGIN.
We have definitely entered the Feminine age. Since 2000 we are in the Age of The High Priestess. Celebrate the Leonine-like courage, daring, open-hearted will of the LIONESS, with the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet.
SEKHMET, a solar warrior Goddess was worshipped daily by her Priestesses.
Hundreds of statues dedicated to her adorned ancient temples. She is depicted with the head of a lioness, dressed in red, the colour of blood. In the myth about the end of Ra’s rule on earth, Sekhmet is sent to destroy those who plotted against him, she had blood-lust and almost destroyed all of humanity. Ra gave her beer to make her drunk to stop her. In annual Ancient rituals Egyptians danced to music and drank extreme quantities of wine because Sekhmet needed to be intoxicated to stop her ravages. There were porches of drunkenness built into her temples.
Pisces Moon, rules addictions. I would be very careful, as this makes one extremely sensitive.
Don’t drink and drive or do drugs, your judgement will be clouded. As in Corey Monteith’s recent death.
If you feel so inclined I would recommend calling on the Goddess Sekhmet, divine arbiter of the Goddess of Justice Ma’at
in a ritual dedicated to ending the bloodshed in Egypt. I will do so tomorrow. So tune in with me. I will post a You tube video.
On a more sobering note Mercury,Virgo’s ruler follows on Friday. The energy will naturally be back to school, work, serious, organized.
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All writing copyright Tara Greene.
War song of Sekhmet and Horus Ancient Egyptian Music by Jeffrey Goodman
Drunk by Ed Sheeran he’s an Aquarian by the way